Saturday, May 2, 2020

What is Hinduism | Beliefs, Facts, Philosophy and History explained | Su...

What is Hinduism? What is Hinduism religion beliefs? What is Hinduism religion? What is Hinduism religion based on? What is Hinduism sacred book? Watch this episode with Suresh Menon and Alexa which provides exhaustive details on Hinduism.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Do musicians make any money?

I don't know if I am imagining it but I think interest in music is dipping alarmingly. Is it because it is so freely available and therefore losing value or is it that the quality itself is dipping. My son keeps on telling me that there is nothing wrong with the quality of music. According to him it is going up but for an older person like me I do feel the quality of compositions of today do not measure up to the music of yesteryear. This could be a typical generation gap opinion but most people would agree with me I think that musicians will not be able to sustain themselves on music alone in the years to come because the delivery systems are all out of control. Anybody can play music anytime anywhere for any number of listeners with nobody having to pay any money. At least in the old days if a song was heard it was mostly on radio and radio used to pay some royalties but now people have songs on their mobile phones. I remember hearing Venkata Suprabhatam sung by MS Subbulakshmi on a mobile phone. I know that it was not playing from a radio station but saved on on the phone's memory. How does that help the singer or the composer? I would like to see information. I have a very good reason to ask for this information as my daughter is a singer who wishes to become a professional singer. I am terrified of what her future will be.

Kareem, Pune

The above referenced video can be seen at:

Book publishing is not easy

The arrival of the digital age has signalled the end of a lot of different trades.  Publishing used to be a tightly control business with just a few publishing houses controlling the output of a hundred or even a thousand authors. Each publishing company used to have a stable of authors who were all beholden to them for the little royalties they pay as an advance. Once you sign on to a publishing house you can practically kiss your book goodbye unless by good fortune it becomes a huge bestseller. If it is a best seller you will have no problems with money and you will have your Agent call you up every now and then and say nice things to you. But  God forbid your book is not a success as then you will not hear from them ever again.  Books need  promotions on mass media and that costs a lot of money. Authors are so desperate to have their book released that they will cheerfully write off all profits just to see their books on the shelf. However the arrival of digital printers has changed all that and now authors can get a releas even if the main publishing houses reject your script.

Neha Chawla, New Delhi

The above referenced video can be seen at:

Shortage of Chartered Accountants

My nephew has been attempting to pass his CA exams for the past eight years. I used to think that he was a stupid fellow. No exam will take you eight years to pass but now I think my nephew has been the victim of some unscrupulous and fraudulent practices. I think the chartered accountants business is a tightly controlled one and is even a manipulated trade. It is almost as if the chartered accountants have got together to blackmail industry and companies. With every good intentions Government has made it necessary for chartered accountants to sign the accounts and they in turn have made sure that very few Chartered Accountants are ever available.  That means CAs can now put up their price and charge whatever the market can bear. The governing body makes it appear as if the are regulating the quality of the accountants but I suspect that it is all done to only to create an artificial shortage.

Muhammed Salim, Mumbai

The above video can be seen at: