Sunday, March 13, 2016

Mini Rao is young, yet competent

Dealing with someone with mental problems is probably one of the scariest things in life. How can a parent live in peace knowing that his son or daughter has a mental problem which will prevent her from living a wholesome life. They will also suffer not knowing what will happen to their child once they are gone. Who will look after them with the same loving care. Mini Rao looks unbelievably young to be giving advice but as she talks we realise that she knows her job and can handle these kind of problems competently. I don't know when she says that children are put under pressure by their own parents. It is comforting to hear that youngsters are these days quite capable of handling their own problems. I had a distant cousin who was diagnosed as being chronically depressed but a psychologist spotted that he was having  problem with his hearing. I don't know if that was just a lucky  doctor.

Ramakrishna, Hyderabad

The video referred above can be seen here:

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