Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Kudos Modi!

I have often been listening to our Prime Minister speak about his desire to place India among the leading nations of the world. He has not able to convince the negativity filled opposition that his plans will actually work but eventually they will. I have no doubt personally that he is sincere and that India is blessed to have an astute leader like him. He has no personal desires or axe to grind which is a huge relief when compared to the average politician in India. He is also very tech savvy for  his age. He has more good ideas in his head than anyone else even from among the opposition. I am  not a diehard BJP supporter but I support our Prime Minister. I don't think politics and party politics should enter or influence every action in ones daily life. Banking is one sector that I feel had been ignored since that one step that Mrs Gandhi took many years ago of nationalising them. That was a good move because it attempted to bring all Indians in to the banking system. But the promises were never kept and the banks soon went back to their old rotten ways. I mean giving away loans to people who didn't deserve them or who are already exploiting the banks to the fullest.

When Narendra Modi brought in Jan Dhan Yojana it made such a huge change in India that it will be remembered as his greatest contribution to the country. Of course his Skill India and Start up India will be talked about in the times to come but getting every Indian to open a bank account has changed  everything. The poor and deserving can now get the subsidy that has been given to him through various schemes directly into his account. For example if you look at the subsidy on gas cylinders, today the man who pays the full amount for the  cylinder doesn't have to wonder whether he will ever see his money again.  No, because the money will be credited to his account as soon as the process is completed. Also Indian banks had to step up their operation levels. They had to bring in increased efficiency speed and total transparency in their operation.  Suddenly a hundred and ten crore people became the banks customers as opposed to just 10 or 15 crore people earlier. It is a great tribute to their skill that they completed this awesome task in such a short time. I hope the banking system will also become the route through which the average Indian can contribute any surplus money that he has to the nation painlessly.

KC Karupannan, Coimbatore

The above referenced video can be seen at:

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