Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Disciplining builders and promoters

The collapse of a tall apartment block in Mumbai and also in Chennai it only confirmed my worst fears about building safety. I've always wondered if there was any single agency that looked into the construction. There seem to be too many agencies involved in checking the different aspects of construction but there is no one who finally takes responsibility. I suppose that is why when buildings collapse it is almost impossible to pin the blame on any one person or party. From the quality of the bricks to the kind of sand used, the kind of steel rods used in the pillars so many  factors can cause a building to collapse. There are building standards across the world and I am sure in India also we have them but the problem seems to be in enforcing them. Sub standard material is always pointed out to be the main culprit but is not always that. In most cases it is negligence and the promoters care a damn attitude towards safety.  Very few builders are actually engineers. They are mostly businessman who use their wealth to start a construction company and then they go about their merry way with nobody to challenge them. If you look at advertisements for buildings you will find most of them  hide the truth or will not tell the entire truth. It is only when everything is over and you read the fine print that you realise that you been cheated. This needs to change right from the top to the bottom. From where  permissions are granted to where  inspection carried out.

Priya Rajamani, Chennai

The above referenced video can be seen at:

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