Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Why a politician is corrupt

Social activism or fighting for Civic issues has been going on for a long time around the world. We in India woke up slightly late but now we are fully geared to fight for our rights. We are facing problems in India because the rulers and the ruled have always been cast in  adversarial roles. In this fight politicians are all in one corner and the public in the other. Politicians are actually public servants but we never see them like that. People expect politicians to work for free.  They ask for a salary as nobody works for free.  Nobody can maintain their families without an income so taking money to do a job is acceptable.  The problem starts when they take the money and do not do their job. We in India have always fought under the leadership of politicians so we never see anyone from Civil Society step up and take charge. We need people like that to come forward. We need selfless public spirited people who will spend their time to correct the wrongs  in society. Where he will emerge from is hard to say but somebody will come in times of trouble.

Sridhar Rajan, Namakkal

The above referenced video can be seen at:

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